Most of the Dutch support a strike with the third corona | interior

Most of the Dutch support a strike with the third corona |  interior

Two out of three Dutch people (64 percent) think it’s a good idea for people in poor health to receive an additional coronavirus vaccine. But as long as not everyone in the world has the opportunity to receive a vaccination, half of them prefer to give it first to countries where the vaccination has not been given or has not been given at all.

from search by one day Among the more than 27,000 participants from view panel It turns out that there is great enthusiasm in principle for the third vaccination against corona. Only 16 percent think additional vaccination is a bad idea, and 20 percent don’t know. This mainly concerns unvaccinated people who have no effect on vaccination in any case.

The survey showed that the vast majority, 64 percent, would support a third injection for vulnerable groups if it helps protect them better against the delta variant of the coronavirus or reduces the effectiveness of their vaccines in the long term. Eighty-six percent of people who were eventually vaccinated would like a third dose if they were better protected from the coronavirus, provided other countries did not need the vaccines.

neighboring countries

Germany, France and the United Kingdom, among other countries, want to give people with low resistance a third vaccine in the near future. This “booster” should provide additional protection, because the effectiveness of vaccines It seems to diminish over time.

However, the World Health Organization (WHO) has Big reservations about extra injection rounds. The organization has asked the richer countries to postpone this, as long as there are still many poor countries where most of the population did not get a first chance.

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scarcity in the world

The Dutch also suffer from this dilemma, according to the poll. As long as there is a dearth in other parts of the world, only a third (35 percent) believe the Dutch government should now order additional vaccines for an additional round of injections. Nearly half (47 percent) would prefer those vaccines to go to poor countries where few people have been vaccinated.

There are both ethical and practical reasons behind this, says pollster Gijs Rademaker. Like the World Health Organization, they find it selfish for rich countries to place the protection of “their own” vulnerable people above that of other countries’ unvaccinated populations. In addition, they fear viral variants that appear in countries where few people have been vaccinated and that find their way into the Netherlands.

Minister Hugo de Jonge (Public Health) asked the Board of Health and the OMT for advice on the need for an additional round of injections. This advice should be ready by September at the latest. Last week, US health authorities allowed people with weakened immune systems to get a third vaccine from Pfizer or Moderna. European health authorities have not yet made a decision in this regard.

Watch our videos about corona vaccines below:

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