MLB Results: San Francisco Giants beat Atlanta Braves 6-5

MLB Results: San Francisco Giants beat Atlanta Braves 6-5

I’ve written a bunch of different opening sentences to start this summary, taking different angles on how to approach what happened at Oracle Park between Atlanta Braves and us San Francisco Giants This Friday night – but they all turned out to be outdated, awkward, boring, not good.

The root of the problem is that I have to use words to explain what happened and now, after watching that match, words just don’t do it for me.

I kind of want to lie in my bed with the blankets pulled over my head and watch Donovan Solano’s two-out outside at the bottom of Game Nine disappear into the left field tunnel above and over and over and over…

Or watch Brandon Crawford pick a 110mph scorer diving to his right over and over…

Or watch Brandon Belt hit a two-run Homer in the driveway over and over…

Or watch LaMonte Wade Jr. And it streams into the San Francisco Bay over and over again…

Or watch Logan Webb toss the slider left for a wave and lightning three over and over…

Or watch Kevin Gussman blast away like 1997 Ken Griffey Jr. in a 3-2 fastball game with rules loaded in the eleven over and over…

This is not an exciting experience, but the 2021 Giants are a fun team. What makes the team fun is that they not only win, they win in unexpected ways. This 6-5 win over the Braves is a prime example of an “unexpected”.

What set the tone early on was Homer’s Brandon Bilt running twice off Ian Anderson.

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Logan Webb had just seen his first turn on a dime: After hitting his first two hits, he gave up three quick hits that led to two rounds and left Webb feeling stunned. It was a confusing turn of events – but before Webb made another throw, the Giants struck them again. Rove walked in to lead the game and Bildt got deeper into the knot of the match in two rounds.

It was immediately picked up and the reboot web was not lost. He threw another six rounds of closed-door baseball, allowing only three singles and making nine total strikes for the game.

During those eight rounds, I was having a lot of fun.

The Braves were aggressive in the penalty area, swinging in early pitches and putting the ball into play. The giants were walking out with a little nervousness. Logan Webb diver, pass slider and changer were dancing all over the place. Brandon Crawford has been humbly adding to his career with powerful punches and defensive lights. He and LaMonte Wade Jr. contributed.

But Tyler Rogers, fills in Jake McGee In the event of a save, he gave up two singles matches on two courts for Austin Riley and Adam Duvall. Next, Rogers hit the fastball at 82 mph for Travis Darno who hoisted it to the left-field bleachers for three runs and Homer.

This was where I stopped having fun for a bit.

Amidst my furious disbelief and my righteous anger, I fell back to August 27 when Jorge Soler hit a triple penalty kick on Day 7 to snatch the lead and win from the Giants. They would have been eerily similar the firm lead went swaying in the heat of the Pennant Race. Will Smith warms up in the barn, meets his old team to close the match and runs away with a win that was truly ours…

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But just as they did at the start, the Giants unplugged the power cord and were forced to reset the game aggressively with Donovan Solano exploding in the 9th minute.

Another angle:

Tony Watson and Camilo Duvall stranded hereditary runners on Days 10 and 11 to pick up Tyler Rogers and mount…and find myself here again, trying to explain the inexplicable.

So why try? stupid words.

Let’s just watch it and enjoy it and not try to understand it.

Kevin Gussman, bottom eleven, bases loaded, full count…

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