Mining Council: preparing Groningen to increase gas extraction

Mining Council: preparing Groningen to increase gas extraction

The Council of Ministers must prepare the province of Groningen for the reopening of the Groningen gas field. In addition, Dutch gas storage facilities must not be urgently filled to 80 percent, but completely.

Here’s what the Mining Council says In a new advice to the Council of MinistersPublished by De Telegraaf this morning. This Council is an independent group of experts who advise Cabinet on energy supply. The House of Representatives was informed of the advice.

Chief Stav Debla of Mijnraad told NOS that the cabinet should open business. “If it must happen, which none of us want, then run it open now. Visualize clearly: what quantities are involved, so that we will have enough in the winter. We don’t know exactly what that means for safety. Look for now, because we have time Now for that, not in the fall.”

The Groningen gas field is scheduled to be closed permanently in 2023 or 2024, in order to put an end to the earthquakes that have plagued the province for decades. Until then, the gas field remains on a “pilot flame,” because immediate shutdown could also lead to seismic hazards. According to Minister Cetin (Climate, D66) and Minister of Foreign Affairs Villebrev (Mining, D66), nothing has changed in these plans, not even because of the war in Ukraine.

LNG may not be a complete alternative

According to Mijnraad, this is unsustainable: “The security of gas supplies is under great pressure and is not guaranteed in a number of future scenarios. Therefore, consideration and preparation for government intervention is justified,” warns Mijnraad. “In Mijnraad’s eyes, using the Groningen field to fill storage and as an emergency measure is a realistic option to consider and prepare for.”

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This is also because the alternatives to Russian gas mentioned now, such as importing liquefied gas (LNG) from other countries, may not be enough for next winter.

They wrote in a letter last week that the province of Groningen and a large number of municipalities, safety zone councils and Groningen water boards want to completely abandon a possible increase in gas extraction. message For Foreign Minister Filpree.

Imagine what the risks are

Mijnraad’s Dipla says in the report that the cabinet does not yet want to consider extracting more gas in Groningen “Mijnraad understands very well”. Radio NOS 1 News

“Of course there are promises to stop,” Dibla says. “But you also have to avoid having to go back on that promise this fall.”

According to the Chairman, the different scenarios now have to be defined. “And also see what role Groningerveld can play in this,” he asserts. “If it is to be done unexpectedly, is it better to fill all the gas stores this summer? Or only in the fall?”

According to Debla, it is especially important for the government to make timely plans to absorb the loss of Russian gas in the coming winter. Debla: “If there are any scenarios, they are not public now. And we think it is very important to talk about them with the people of Groningen, but also with Dutch society. Because we all need to know which ones. If we run any risks, we can prepare for them.”

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“Now we still have time to prepare.”

According to Debla, if Russian gas fails and alternatives are insufficient, the Dutch in the most extreme case may not be able to turn on heating, but also power plants or heavy industries will not be able to work.

“Climate Minister Cetin said that we may be able to restart coal-fired power plants again, but that of course is bad for the climate. For example, you have to compare all your options. Then choose the least harmful.”

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