Live: Former President Alfredo Christiani appears before the Bonus Commission in the Legislature

Live: Former President Alfredo Christiani appears before the Bonus Commission in the Legislature

Former President Alfredo Cristiano (1989-1994) appeared before the Legislature as a special commission to investigate bonuses paid by previous governments.

The former president of Salvador, Alfredo Christiani, came to the legislature this morning and appeared before a special panel to inquire about bonuses from the presidential palace’s public funds that are said to have been paid to officials, individuals and law firms by previous governments.

After he arrived, the commission was set up at 9:30 a.m. Three minutes later, the former president made his entrance. However, minutes after he took office, the commission’s chairman, George Castro, of New News Ideas, said the investigation into technical failures related to problems in recording the session had been suspended.

The special commission was made up of representatives of the ruling party factions, most of whom announced last week that Christiano and his private secretary had been summoned by Arturo Dona during his presidency (1989-1994), who would attend the commission at 11am.

Similarly, the commission called on the former president, Elias Antonio Saga, who has now been convicted of illegal enrichment offenses, to appear before delegates at 2 p.m., before the intervention of his private secretary during his presidency (2004-2009). , Elmer Charlix.

A week ago, the legislature said on Twitter that two former presidents and their private secretaries were “appearing first” before the commission.

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Arena party fraternity leader Rene Portillo Quadra, who faced the setting up of a special commission to take office a week ago, said, “When they (the government) do not agree to investigate the publicity honors they have received, the bonus appears to us, they want revenge, they want to attack the opposition, they are already in government, but they are their corruption. I don’t want to be attacked. “

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Similarly, Jaime Guevara, head of the FMLN faction, added that “the impartiality of the current government is not guaranteed by the inclusion of officials” and that the party will not participate in the formation of the special commission.

Also read: Current government officials will not be questioned for bonuses because they have jurisdiction

For his part, PCN vice-president Seraban Orandus said on July 16 that the current government officials were not being investigated because they had jurisdiction.

“This is for previous governments. The five-year term of the current president (Naib Bukhale) is not over. It will be a little easier for the people to lose our jurisdiction which will be investigated in the future. As civil servants,” Orandus said. some days.

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