Jett Rebel is giving his first concert since January 2020. “You might understand that makes me a little emotional”

Jett Rebel is giving his first concert since January 2020. “You might understand that makes me a little emotional”
Get Ripple Friday in Omen.  Statue of Robert Westtra
Get Ripple Friday in Omen.Statue of Robert Westtra

“I don’t really know what to say,” Jelte Tuinstra (30), aka Jett Rebel, stammered as the nerves fizzled. In front of him is a scallop-shaped Posthatter van Uemen. On Friday, 500 hungry fans will cheer in the stands. “You might understand that makes me a little emotional.”

likely. He is on stage, in front of the audience, with his band. First gig since January 2020. He was supposed to play in the Lowlands this weekend, followed by a nice tour of the club in September, but everything is again in doubt and will likely be postponed. Perhaps his solo theatrical tour (October) could continue.

Get Ripple Friday in Omen.  Statue of Robert Westtra
Get Ripple Friday in Omen.Statue of Robert Westtra

Twynstra Books frustrate him From .’s opinion page de Volkskrant She countered the despair of “Live Industry” with a powerful new album that rocks the volcano (Playlist for the apocalypse party) as well as refusing to surrender.

No Lowlands this weekend? Then create a demo of the album from the ground up, somewhere where that’s possible. Bostheater Ommen stamped along.

Two pieces from the new album set the tone: love now employment BAPARTY. They are commandments: to feel loved and to have a party. Jett wants to blast until the plug is unplugged, from eight to eleven, just like Prince’s famous night parties, the inspiration that never goes away in the mighty Jett Rebel rock.

Fortunately, it does not become a long jam session. Jett Rebel and his band played a lot of songs, about 28 songs at the end, with a middle solo halfway through, though he also sings off toes: Just in case you get stuck again employment It’s real.

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The band is back in the final. another age. And one more. Fortunately, Jett Rebel has plenty of party-themed songs in the baggage: “I don’t really want that behavior‘, admits to a great new song.

Jet off the belt. Sweat dripping. Spectators dance. Not all songs are great, but that lascivious excess, which yields to music, suits him, suits the man and his business.

This is the time for musicScream between two songs. That’s true, but when he later asks if we’ve felt the power of music tonight, if we’ve ever felt loved, there can only be one answer: Yes, Jet, we have–and we have that, too. silly urgently need.

Jet Rebel


★★★★ ☆

20/8, Postheater, Omen.

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