Investigating Violations Takes Longer by Non-Profit Organization: ‘More Reports Than Expected’ | Displays

Investigating Violations Takes Longer by Non-Profit Organization: ‘More Reports Than Expected’ |  Displays

The Van Rijn Commission’s investigation into abuses and work culture in public broadcasting is taking longer than expected. The report should be ready this summer, but that won’t be until the last quarter of this year at the earliest. The reason is that more reporters requested a meeting and the investigation became larger.

Committee chairman and former minister Martin van Rijn asks in a written explanation to understand the long duration of the investigation. “Conversations with participants make a great impression on the committee. We want to do justice to all reporters and give an accurate and quality report. At the same time, we recognize the desire to provide clarity in this process to everyone in the short term.”

According to him, the investigation is larger than initially assumed. More people than expected also signed up for an interview. The committee was set up last November after a Volkskrant article about the alleged cross-border behavior of Matthijs van Nieuwkerk in The world goes on (DWDD). Initially, only DWDD was investigated, but this was expanded after more reports of similar cases were received within the entire public broadcaster. This is also the work mode for NOS Sport, NOS News and talk shows in 1 Investigation. The Van Rijn Committee also includes former lieutenant colonel and mayor Siewers Froehlich.

The Broadcasters Investigation Committee on Behavior and Culture, as the panel is fully called, hopes to publish a single report with findings, findings, and conclusions in the fourth quarter, but is also now cautious about whether such planning is possible. The report will be published in its entirety and for all. The committee sent out a questionnaire to (former) employees of the broadcasters and the non-profit organization. This anonymous survey can be completed until tomorrow, June 30th. People who wish to report to the committee to attend the meeting can register until 15 July via The committee also talks with the stakeholders it invites on its own. The committee will continue to do so after July 15th.

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Has stepped up

After Volkskrant’s deliberate article about abuses in DWDD, presenter Matthijs van Nieuwkerk resigned and ended his relationship with broadcaster BNNVara. The director of the nonprofit, Frans Klein, also temporarily withdrew pending an investigation. At that time, as media director at VARA, later BNNVARA, Klein was responsible for working conditions at DWDD until 2014. At NOS Sport, the entire editorial board resigned. Cycling commentator Danny Nielsen’s contract has not been renewed after the uproar. Tom Eggers, host of Studio Sport, has also been discredited. He has been home since March. It is unclear if and when he will return to television. After Eggbers came under heavy criticism, his wife, Yankee Decker, left the Morse Foundation for Unwanted Conduct in the Culture and Television Sector.


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