Bohemia Interactive was working on DayZ 2 at least in 2021 – Games – News

Bohemia Interactive may be working on a sequel to the multiplayer survival game DayZ. This is evidenced by court documents in the Activision acquisition case. They date back to May 2021. The studio has not denied the game’s existence in response.

vs. IGN Bohemia Interactive says it is “in the process of expanding the focus of DayZ, the brand, and the team itself.” The studio can’t reveal many details at this time. With that response, Bohemia Interaction hasn’t confirmed anything yet, but they’re also not denying that they’re working on the game.

the documents It was put online by DSOGaming, among others. It is also mentioned that the studio was working on Arma 4 and Arma Reforger at the time. These two were announced in the meantime. Arguments for the possible acquisition of Bohemia by Microsoft are that the game has a large modding community, and the developers have a lot of simulation game experience and a lot of technical knowledge thanks to the use of their own engine. Counter-arguments include that Tencent has a minority stake in the studio, and that games do not run well on consoles on a technical level and have many bugs.

DayZ began as a mod for Arma 2. Due to its popularity, creator Dean Hall and Arma 2 creator Bohemia started a collaboration, after which DayZ was released as a standalone game in 2018. It was also noted in the documentation that DayZ had a “peak thirty days” of 34,000 players at that time. the time. At the time of writing, that peak is at nearly 59,000 players.

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