Intel announces NUC 13 Extreme Mini computer with Intel Raptor Lake processor – Computer – News

Also read the second paragraph of my letter :)

There I explain why you see different results in the reviews, i.e. because the motherboards you use almost always ignore the Intel specs (MSI. Asus, Gigabyte, etc. have been doing this for years). Tweakers also use such a motherboard, so it makes sense to see such results. After all, according to Intel’s specs, a PL2 (power limit) of 253 watts should be set, and Tweakers acknowledge that your motherboard doesn’t have that limit, as they say you have to set it manually. Your motherboard manufacturer should do this for you :)

However, they do not, as they prefer to beat the competition in performance. After all, you will have a slightly lower grade like an MSI from an Asus, for example, but consume much less and therefore be more efficient, which of course is not possible at all.

Take one of those motherboards and read the standard power limits. You’ll see that ‘never’ (there must be an exception that proves the rule) at 253 watts for the Raptor Lake, but at 2048 watts or 4096 watts. And yes, you will already see high consumption in the reviews, because then this CPU is only limited to available cooling, so it will consume quite a bit until it reaches 100 ° C. And then, reviewers were also “surprised” that this CPU temperature is reduced. Yes, it makes sense if you make the consumption unlimited, and let the temperature be the only limit, who would have expected it…..

And this is precisely the problem, the “standard” of motherboard manufacturers does not match the specifications of Intel. And so on an Intel “Stock”, or for example an HP OEM machine that uses Intel stock settings, something different than “MSI Stock” or “Asus Stock”.

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[Reactie gewijzigd door Dennism op 8 november 2022 23:00]

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