The giant pink diamond, Fortune Pink, was auctioned for €28.6 million | Abroad

The giant pink diamond, Fortune Pink, was auctioned for €28.6 million |  Abroad

The giant pink diamond Fortune Pink was auctioned in Geneva on Tuesday for 28.6 million euros. The new owner is an Asian collector.

The 18.18 carat diamond is set on a ring between two large white diamonds. The so-called Fortune Pink is the largest pear-shaped pink diamond of this quality ever to be hammered, Christie’s previously announced. The gem came from a mine in Brazil fifteen years ago.

The diamond was sold for 24.5 million Swiss francs (24.7 million euros). Including all additional costs and taxes, it amounted to €28.6 million.

The auction, which started at 17 million Swiss francs, closed within four minutes. Three bidders compete over the phone. The diamond was expected to fetch between 25 and 35 million euros. So there was some frustration at the selling price level.

Diamonds went around the world before the auction. Fortune Pink ended up in Geneva via New York, Shanghai, Singapore and Taiwan.

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