If Kees van der Spek could not read, write or listen, he would have chosen another profession

If Kees van der Spek could not read, write or listen, he would have chosen another profession

It was a battle for attention and Who is the mole? Knowing this, it is usually a misdirection. At the start of the new season, taking place in Mexico, two candidates in particular caught attention. Top three moments from the first episode.

1. Plump mole

As a loyal viewer, you feel like it’s coming to a masked ball; It is the perfect place for a mole to hide. And yes, the candidates had to go through a group of well-dressed Mexicans who all wanted to help. Of course the mole was among them. Very brutal, and popery to the fore at the start of an already colorful season in an ideal setting.

The Toski Rajas, and especially Anna Jember, looked around them very carefully during this entrance, and were clearly prepared with the mind that Who is the mole? It’s always back. This also applies to the start of this season, where all six earned waivers were gone the next day. For 6,000 euros, but that was little consolation to most candidates. Certainly not for the mole, because he wants as little money in the pot as possible.

2. Clumsy bag

The Mole had a better time during the Frida Kahlo mission. The first candidates immediately became suspicious. When asked who has the sharpest eye for detail, five hands went up impatiently, except for the hands of the investigator and the science journalist. If Kees van der Spek and Anna Gemberer had not had the talent for meticulous work, they would have had a different career.

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Look at Kees floundering during the mission. He didn’t have his reading glasses with him, so he couldn’t use those little locks. He was going to cause confusion – er… he shouted the numbers – for Tosky and Anna, who were attacking the locks. How clumsy, it’s too late to decipher. And after a while, he was standing there with his reading glasses on, wasn’t he? Kiss pretends he can barely read, write or listen. Yes Yes.

Van der Spek's clumsy sack: It's too late again!
Van der Spek’s clumsy sack: It’s too late again! © Afrotros

3. Ryan Kaldick in front

If Ryan Gerritsen turns out to be the mole, you may have to go back to acting school. Actress Luizenmother expressed it so thickly that it couldn’t have been her. She was the first to receive the position of best immortal in the Frida Kahlo assignment, and when she had to choose again a little later, she was again the first to raise her hand. She preferred to see the paintings of her fellow nominees rather than those of Kahlo himself.

Babs Shute, the first dropout we can see again, agreed with apparent reluctance. They then decided together not to invest additional money in the mission to increase the chance of success. This turned out to be an excellent unintentional(?) trick because they had now only collected €500. This somewhat angered Anna Gemberer, who, after losing the battle for the treasurer’s position, now concluded somewhat bitterly that Ryan and Babs were indeed in the prime position. She has proven to have a good eye for detail.

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Ryan Gerritsen is in the back seat, with Vons Hendricks and Anna Gemberer in front of him
Ryan Gerritsen is in the back seat, with Vons Hendricks and Anna Gemberer in front of him © Afrotros

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