How are things with Ik Vertrek’s Jansen family?

How are things with Ik Vertrek's Jansen family?

The family is working hard to get to their dream destination in Burgundy, they say on the program’s website. Although now they are ready to rest. The family said, “We realized how much work we had done in the last year just because of this incident, and that we really should take a break now that the temperature is down so much.”

“Since August 2021 we have been working non-stop, seven days a week, on our project and there are a few more on the starting blocks. We have started the demolition of the first floor in the attached gîte. Hopefully we will get it, but whether it will work…”

The first part of their project has been completed: two rooms are ready to rent. It doesn’t stop there. “Our recently purchased land will be the new entrance for people who want to stay with us in their motorhome. Once permits are issued next summer, our motorhome guests will be able to access the motorhome area via a long driveway without having to make a quirk in the future.” Access to the gîte is easy via this entrance. As long as permits are not obtained, we will keep our job so we can continue working on plans for 2023.”

All in all, the Jansen family can look back on a successful year. “We invested on many fronts. The palace, each other, the rooms, the people around us, new friends and colleagues, the French regimes (sometimes quite a challenge): given everything. But what you give, you often get back and that’s certainly true. We have met many lovely people and many of them we can call our friends. We are close to the locals and we feel accepted and at home.”

And this is not unimportant: their children settled in at school, made friends and came home with good reports.

Everything is going exactly as hoped. “Despite the fact that life here moves at a slower pace, you live and experience it more intensely. This is the beauty of France. Now we understand Life in France! We are living our dream.”

I’m leaving It can be seen on NPO 1 on Sundays around 6.50. Watch the episode with the Jansen family here Back.

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