High-speed weapon counting thanks to the new method | 03

High-speed weapon counting thanks to the new method |  03

text Captain Jessica Budd
picture Sergeant Major Hill Hellinga

The technology is also suitable for pepper spray and walkie-talkies, for example

The Royal Netherlands Marechaussee has developed a method by which weapons can be counted 95 percent faster and more accurately, down to the last detail. This week’s “proof of concept” showed that it can be used for all parts of the armed forces. Moreover, it works in conjunction with a single operating system that the entire armed forces should start working by the end of 2025. We are now waiting for the budget, so that this new system can be deployed at the defense level.

Save time by at least 95 percent

Inventorying weapons is an essential process, but since serial numbers are still checked manually, it is also very time consuming. And according to the law and regulations, this must be done twice a year. For safety’s sake, it’s always a good idea to do it more often, but there’s no room for that huge blister.

Weapons inventory must be done, according to law and regulations, twice a year.

pistol grip

Passive radio frequency identification (RFID) changes this. You can process this technique into foil, which you can put into the pistol grip of your firearm. There it does not hinder the user and the chip is less likely to be damaged. “If you bypass those arms with an RFID scanner, the chips are read. The data is collected and ultimately processed in the SAP S4 HANA computer program,” says Assistant Chief Logistics Officer Jerry Van Dam.

The method is also suitable for other articles

In addition to numbers, you can also collect information about, for example, the type of weapon and serial numbers. Naturally, such a system can be used not only for managing weapons, but also for other items. Think pepper spray, batons, entry and exit stamps, or walkie-talkies.

Adjutant Jerry van Dam: “We aim to have the system up and running within two years.”

to jump off

When Marechaussee began working on this four years ago, it quickly became apparent that other defense units were also keen on such a system. “That’s why it’s now a comprehensive project for the armed forces,” explains Van Damme. ‘with the’Proof of conceptThis week we demonstrated to a large delegation that the survey works. At the same time, it was a major test to check how and how data should be loaded into the SAP system. “

This week’s “proof of concept” showed that the scan works.

“We are waiting for eight to nine million euros to implement this system.”

Chips are read using a scanner.

Signs of green?

So all signs are green? When can employees start using this system? “It doesn’t go so fast,” Van Damme replies firmly. “We are waiting for the reserved amount of eight to nine million euros to implement this system. Then the pistol grips of all defense weapons must first be equipped with RFID technology. We aim to have this system operational within two years.”

Although this project has yet to materialize, Van Damme and his colleagues are already imagining the future. The project team aims for a system that will automatically record incoming and outgoing weapons. “Now physical lists are kept of who comes up with what. What’s best is an independent system that tracks that in ‘real time’ and can be read remotely. We started this carefully, but it’s still in its infancy.”

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