Hammelburg: “Doubts about Russian allegations”

Hammelburg: “Doubts about Russian allegations”
international8 October 23 at 09:00author: Robert Van Loon

Russian President Vladimir Putin announced that Russia possesses a nuclear-powered missile. The Burevestnik missile will likely fly for a year before landing on the target. But foreign commentator Bernard Hammelburg strongly doubts the Russian claims. “There are no photos of it and there is no one but Putin who can show or confirm anything.”

The development of nuclear-powered rockets is nothing new, Hammelborg explains. This actually happened during the Cold War, by the Americans and the Soviets. But they always came to the conclusion that it was too dangerous. It is very difficult to keep such a missile on course and you can have the biggest accidents.

The Burevestnik missile has been under development for some time. “This thing has been tested thirteen times and failed thirteen times.” In 2019, five scientists were killed while testing a rocket engine in the Russian city of Arkhangelsk. The test site became contaminated with radioactive material.

The Ukrainians ask Germany for Taurus cruise missiles.  These missiles can hit targets at a distance of 500 kilometers, but Chancellor Olaf Scholz does not dare to do so yet.
The Ukrainians ask Germany for Taurus cruise missiles. These missiles can hit targets at a distance of 500 kilometers, but Chancellor Olaf Scholz does not dare to do so yet. (Afghan National Police Agency/Abaca Press)

European summit

Not entirely coincidentally, the missile announcement coincides with the two-day summit of the European Political Community and EU leaders in Granada, Spain. During the summit, Germany and Spain announced that they would send Patriot systems and several Hawk anti-aircraft systems to Ukraine. “It’s important, but it’s not what will save Ukraine.”

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Among the weapons requested by the Ukrainian army is the German Taurus cruise missile, which has a range of up to 500 kilometers. But the German government is unwilling to provide it. “Putin is doing everything he can to discourage skeptical Chancellor Schulz, because Schulz’s interest is not intended to provoke too much,” says Hammelburg. “If there is anything to provoke, it is this missile.”

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American chaos

On the other hand, American support for Ukraine is at risk of being halted due to the chaos in the US Congress. President Joe Biden announced that he will deliver a speech about aid. For example, he can decide by decree to continue support or introduce a draft law. Because despite the obstructionist group of Republicans, support for Ukraine in Congress is still there.

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In the battle to replace House Speaker McCarty, former President Donald Trump has now expressed his support for Rep. Jim Jordan. “Among that group of radical Republicans, the Freedom Caucus, this is one of the most fanatical members. He always shows up with shirt-sleeves and a tie, never a jacket,” Hamelburg describes him.

But according to Hammelburg, his chances are nil. “It should be voted on by the entire Congress. But all the Democrats will vote against it and he doesn’t have enough support in his party.

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