Guardians of The Galaxy Console gets ray tracing after update – Games – News

Eidos Entertainment has released a patch for Guardians of the Galaxy that will see versions on PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X receive ray tracing. It is also now possible for players to return their save file to a specific chapter.

Ray tracing mode can be turned on through the menu. Eidos does not say what resolution this mode entails and the frame rate at which it plays. Report different players It’s 1440 pixels at 30 frames per second. The game also includes a performance mode at 1080p and 60fps. On Xbox Series S, an option has been added to remove the 30 frames per second limit, which allows the game to fluctuate between 30 and 60 frames per second. According to Eidos, this option is recommended for players who use a monitor with a variable refresh rate.

For all keyboards Added undo save option For players who are stuck in a certain point of the game due to an error and for whom simply reloading the checkpoint does not solve the problem. To open this option, players need to go to “Chapters” from the main menu and choose the desired chapter that players want to return the save file to. When the class is loaded, players must pause the game and enter a certain button combination. Then, the Save Game and Load Game options become visible, allowing players to overwrite their save file.

Finally, the update fixes a lot of bugs for the console versions. Eidos says the PC version will also get a patch soon. The company mentions Friday as the provisional date for that, but that can still change. Patch notes will be available on Steam on release day.

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