Good afternoon!! A frenzied neighborhood party in the mail lottery

Good afternoon!!  A frenzied neighborhood party in the mail lottery

Good afternoon!! What a party it was on a Saturday in Buchofen. Vrakkerplein has been renamed a small festival site because it has recently become known that KoningsKanjer of Postcode Loterij in Weert has fallen.

It was an unforgettable afternoon for the residents of Vert. For the first time in two years, today’s winners celebrated a traditional neighborhood party. During the neighborhood party, Gaston announced that 1,172 participants who participate in the winning neighborhood code (6002) will win a maximum of 11,802 euros per lottery ticket. The 3,300 people of Winton danced joyfully to the tunes of Tino Martin and Gerard Yuling, and celebrated Konings Kanger’s €36.7 million win with each other.

For the first time in two years, the Postcode lottery is once again organizing a traditional neighborhood party in the winning neighborhood of KoningsKanjer. The grand prize winners, who play alongside the entire winning zip code (6002 AR), split half the sum (18.35 million euros) with each other. They already knew what their fate was worth on Sunday, May 1st. For the participants with the winning neighborhood icon, it has been exciting for some time. They heard during a neighborhood party that they would win €11,802 per ticket if they had collected the maximum number of Kanjerpoints (40).

Monique: “We have been participating in the zip-code lottery for 25 years. It does not matter how much is charged, this experience is really great. We participate in supporting charities, but this amount of 11,802 euros is of course great!”

Before the neighborhood amount was announced, Michel and Nelly noted, “We don’t know yet what the neighborhood amount is, but if it becomes a good amount, you’ll need two electric bikes!” They received a check for 11,802 euros. Electric bikes are coming!

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Friends Deborah and Emkee are delighted: “We are very happy with this! We are going on vacation together,” they told the mail lottery.

Paul and his wife won 23,604 euros: “We thought it was very exciting! We always go to Austria to a village at an altitude of 1500 meters on foot. Now we can definitely buy new strong hiking boots with which we can go into the mountains!”

KoningsKanjer worth €36.7 million

On Sunday 1 May, the Postal Lottery announced that the first ever KoningsKanjer, worth €36.7 million, had landed in Weert, Limburg. Fifteen lucky participants who played along with the winning zip code (6002 AR) shared half the sum (18.35 million euros) with each other. They received checks ranging from €965,789 to €28,973,368.

The other half of the amount went to participants who participated in the winning neighborhood token (6002). They heard during a neighborhood party that they would win a maximum of 11,802 euros per lottery ticket.

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