Gerard Euling opposes gender-neutral toilets: ‘We’re going crazy’

Gerard Euling opposes gender-neutral toilets: ‘We’re going crazy’

John van Zuyden, an ADO Den Haag supporter, was seated at the table last night announcing that he had recently bothered him about the gender-neutral toilets, but it seems he’s not the only one. “It makes me so tired too!” Gerard responds. “We live in a beautiful country, if you’re not in the right body you can turn into a woman, or a man, and then go to the urinal or to one toilet.”

The singer seems to have never heard of a non-binary term: “You either go into the men’s room or into the women’s room, because you are either a lady or a gentleman.”

When Lieutenant Colonel Johnny tells you that you can record an “x” in your passport these days, because not everyone is identified as male or female, Gerrard doesn’t fall out of his chair. “Well, that goes too far. We’re going too far.”

A little earlier, Gerrard announced that from now on he will be more careful with what he says in front of the camera. “You notice a lot of the time that all the valves are short and people get angry very quickly, and also on social media. People say a lot of things that are not possible. I now think often: Do it a little bit, otherwise it will come back later. Again.” Discuss things with each other before yelling.” We don’t have much to add to that.

HLF8 See you every working day at – you guessed it – 7:30 and yesterday’s episode see you here.

Geer can currently be seen in the new season of disguised singer. It also provides the necessary tram there:

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