Ed Sheeran weighed about 100 kilos: “Now one glass of wine instead of two” | stars

Ed Sheeran weighed about 100 kilos: “Now one glass of wine instead of two” |  stars

“I love chicken wings, wine and beer and did exercise,” the star says the sun. “After my last round I was really overweight, but taking a break from work only made things worse. Then I could eat and drink all day, sometimes two bottles of wine a day. I knew this pattern could have serious long-term consequences for my health, affecting my The end is my daughter.”

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“I eat and drink everything to a much lesser degree now.”

The singer, who will release his new album on Friday, has turned things around in a big way. “I longed to be the one to take my wife to the hospital for delivery and to do that I had to do something about my body. I weighed about 100kg and am now about 70, which makes me feel so much better. I still drink, but now one glass instead From two bottles. It’s not that I’ve stopped everything forever, I just eat and drink everything to a much lesser extent now.”

Sheeran and his daughter are currently in self-isolation after they both contracted the coronavirus. “I can’t see people for a while, so I will be doing as many interviews and shows as possible from home. I’m sorry if I disappoint people,” he said via Instagram.

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