Category: Economy

Long live the night train, cheers for Brussels

Everyone loves the night train, says European Commissioner Adina Vaillant (Transport). “This is the new slogan.” But, Frans Timmermans, vice president of the European Green Deal, responded that an international train should be as comfortable, fast and cheap as an airplane. To make this possible, the commission presented in Strasbourg on Tuesday Measures to improve […]

16,671 new infections and a slight increase in Corona patients in the hospital | the interior

The number of corona patients in Dutch hospitals increased slightly during the past 24 hours. In total, there are now 2,762 hospitalized patients with Covid-19, the disease caused by the coronavirus. The National Coordination Center for Patient Distribution (LCPS) reported this Sunday. And 2,743 patients with corona were still in hospitals on Saturday. There are […]

Asylum crisis: the first municipalities had to take shelter, 2,000 places are still needed | the interior

The Council of Ministers has begun to designate municipalities that are obligated to receive asylum seekers. In this way, the municipality of Gorinchem is obliged, among others, to receive people at a former tax office. Secretary of State Ankee Brookers-Knoll (Asylum Affairs) said in a letter to the House of Representatives Friday evening that the […]

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