Dutch agricultural exports peak above 100 billion euros

Dutch agricultural exports peak above 100 billion euros

In 2021, Dutch agricultural exports exceeded 100 billion euros for the first time. The Netherlands exported a total of €104.7 billion, 9 percent more than in 2020. The value increased not only because more was exported, but also because product prices were higher. All this is evident from the statistics of the Netherlands and the research conducted by the University of Wageningen.

The Dutch economy generated an estimated €46 billion from the export of agricultural products. Most of the money is made from growing flowers. The Netherlands exported 12 billion euros worth of flowers, plants, flower bulbs and tree nursery products and ultimately generated 6 billion euros. Floristry exports increased by a quarter from what they were in 2020, mainly due to the sharp rise in the prices of flowers and plants.

neighboring countries

Dutch agricultural exports go mainly to the nearest neighboring European countries. A quarter of agricultural exports, over 26 billion, went to Germany, and 12.5 billion to Belgium. France and the United Kingdom are each worth more than 8 billion euros.

Export growth to the UK has stalled, which is a side effect of Brexit. Due to the import duties, it is more attractive for third countries to transport goods directly to the former EU member state, the United Kingdom, and no longer do so via the Netherlands.

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After the cultivation of flowers, meat is the second most exported agricultural product, with a value of 9.1 billion euros. 4.6 billion euros were obtained from meat and meat products. Dairy products and eggs brought in 4.3 billion euros, and vegetables 3.9 billion euros. Exports of cereals, flour and milk have been reduced due to the collapse in exports of infant formula to China.

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Three-quarters of agricultural exports, 75.7 billion euros, are of Dutch origin. A quarter of it, €29 billion, is re-export, foreign agricultural goods that go elsewhere through the Netherlands. This usually relates to the import and export of agricultural products that are delivered through seaports.

Agricultural commodities have suffered relatively less from the Corona crisis and thus appear less sensitive to the economic situation and crises. The necessity of food for people means that the effect of corona time on agricultural commodity trade is less than it does on other products. Agricultural commodities are essential, and it is important to keep trade channels open.

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