Doe Bob no longer sees his daughters: “And I find it very hard.” | Displays

Doe Bob no longer sees his daughters: “And I find it very hard.” |  Displays

Doe Bob no longer sees his daughters Ziggy and Bobby Lou. The 30-year-old singer tells this in an interview with Linda. For the first time in my life I have to consider others.

In December 2021 it was big in the news. First, Dwee Pop fathered his daughter Bobby Lou, whom he had with artist Louis. And not long after, he had a daughter, Ziggy, with an unknown woman. The ceremony was completed when he and current fiancée Anouk had a son, Elias, in May 2022.

Douwe Bob no longer sees his two daughters, he says bluntly in a conversation with Hedy d’Ancona in Linda. He replies to her that he would like to say everything, but this is not possible in the current situation. “For the first time in my life I have to take others into consideration. The mothers of my daughters do not want to be in the media and I respect that. I am now dealing with three women from different backgrounds who have different ideas about life and the future. Which makes me see my daughters less than my son. Or rather: I don’t see them at all at the moment. And I find that very hard.”

However, Doi Pop hopes to be able to play a role in the girls’ lives. “Of course I have a hand in it myself. I think it is very important that they all grow up with a father who has a good relationship. So I want to work on that seriously, but there are still a number of hurdles that we have to clear.”

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Don’t want to hurt anyone

Earlier, Doe Pop pointed out that the situation with different mothers is complicated. “Everything I say, so far in this conversation, is bonding. I don’t want to hurt anyone, but every word I say can come off; if not with one then maybe with the other. That makes everything,” he said in an interview with This Site. Risky.At that point he still saw the two girls occasionally.

However, he has stopped sharing Bobby Lou’s photos on Instagram. “A few months ago, Lou said she didn’t like it, because not everyone responds equally well,” he said in December. He also indicated that he is afraid of letting other mothers and children down because of his relationship with Anouk. “I’d rather live together on a farm in Greece, but it’s not possible.”

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