Despite Zelensky’s visit, the US support package for Ukraine has yet to arrive

Despite Zelensky’s visit, the US support package for Ukraine has yet to arrive
Biden and Zelensky at the White House

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Despite President Zelensky’s visit to Washington and encouraging words from President Biden, the United States has yet to agree on a major new aid package for Ukraine.

Zelensky addressed members of the Senate today. The $110 billion (€102 billion) package, more than half of which is for Ukraine, is particularly opposed by Republicans.

Asylum proceedings

Republicans are blocked by the need for more money for border security and enforcement. There is money available for this in the package, but they don’t think it is enough. Some even say aid to Ukraine should be phased out.

Zelensky gave a fiery speech that, among other things, sought to dispel concerns about corruption in his country. But this did not lead to firm commitments. Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell has said he needs to make more commitments on money for asylum operations.

Biden wants Congress to approve more aid before Ukraine goes on recess:

Biden: ‘We shouldn’t give Putin a big Christmas present’

According to President Biden, it is important that an agreement be reached before the start of the Christmas holiday on December 15th, otherwise Kiev will be in trouble. Money is needed to replenish the nation’s arsenal. At a press conference with Zelensky, Biden again warned that the Senate must approve the aid package, otherwise politicians will give Putin a “big Christmas present.”

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Yesterday, the President announced that he would provide the country with a $200 million military aid package. He could do this without Senate intervention, but it’s only a fraction of the billions Ukraine needs.

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