On Monday evening, actress Rene Focker, comedian Najib Amhali and MP Zuhair al-Yasini were seen in a DVD. The latter was allowed to join on Monday because he finished fifth in the standings. However, some viewers did not like the level, as evidenced by the reactions on Twitter: “Now it’s still really De Medmodeste Mens”, “Terrible today” and “Happy” Rob Kempes is still for a while the smartest personis what is written. More comments below.
By the way, there is often a lot to do about the program this season. This is how theater maker Rikkert van Huisstede appeared in a dress He can count on a lot of feedback (both negative and positive) on social media. Furthermore, both Mark Marie Hoegbrigets and Caroline van der Plas their resentment About cutting certain clips during recordings and Stefano Kaiser seemed to be back for a while, but Was it Ghost Omen who looked like him.
However, the show has managed to attract nearly a million viewers night after night and is always among the top five most watched TV shows. Final the smartest person See you Friday evening at 8.40pm at NPO2.
“Unable to type with boxing gloves on. Freelance organizer. Avid analyst. Friendly troublemaker. Bacon junkie.”