Damage is still limited: gas and light from January tens of the month are more expensive in energy giants | Money

Damage is still limited: gas and light from January tens of the month are more expensive in energy giants |  Money

The energy bill is actually much more expensive for millions of Dutch people as of January 1, according to the new rates for major energy players Essent and Vattenfall. However, there does not appear to be a doubling, due in part to the one-time reduction in the energy tax.

The company announced Thursday that customers with a variable contract at Essent will pay €1.11 per cubic meter of gas and more than 25 cents per kilowatt-hour of electricity. That’s currently 82 cents for gas and 23.9 cents for electric. According to Essent, customers with an average consumption of 1,400 cubic meters of gas and 3,000 kWh of electricity lost an additional 656 euros.

Since the Cabinet meets families A one-time significant reduction in energy tax – again with average use – 446 euros, the increase is limited to 210 euros, according to Essent. That’s about two dollars a month.


Earlier this week, Vattenfall also announced its prices: the price of gas rose sharply from 82.5 cents per cubic meter of gas to 125.9 cents. This means the company is asking 14 cents more than Essent. Vattenfall customers will soon pay 26.2 cents per kilowatt-hour for electricity, which currently stands at 23.6 cents.

On an annual basis, households will pay €472.80 more expensive from January than now. If the reduction is included in the energy tax, that is €25.85 more per month than now. Vattenfall is calculated with an average consumption much lower than Essent, that is, 1,200 cubic meters of gas and 2,250 kWh of electricity. With equal consumption, customers will lose more per month.

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Essent's Amer power plant in Geertruidenberg.

Essent’s Amer power plant in Geertruidenberg. © ANP XTRA


The third major player, Eneco, will present its new pricing in two weeks. Earlier, Eneco raised the variable rates in the so-called model contract significantly: to 1.80 euros per cubic meter of gas and 49 cents per kilowatt-hour of electricity. These are also the prices used by 90,000 customers of bankrupt Welkom Energie You must pay at Eneco.

However, the contract model — a variable-price energy contract that each supplier of the regulated ACM is obligated to offer — is not representative, according to Eneco. “The vast majority of our variable customers have a different product,” company spokeswoman Ryan de Vogt explains. Thus, rates will not automatically rise to this high amount, she said.

good indicator

The new rates for the big companies Essent and Vattenfall give a good indication of where things are going. With Eneco, they control more than half of the energy market with more than sixty suppliers. Although many Dutch people have set or set energy prices, millions of people still buy gas and light at variable prices. Most energy companies always increase or decrease these companies as of January 1 and July 1.


It seems the price increases are still contained

Sinie Oskam, comparison site Gaslicht.com

All in all, the price of gas in particular is rising several times. However, there is no doubt about the doubling of prices that he had previously feared. “In our opinion, the price increase remains within reasonable limits,” says Sinie Oskam of comparison site Gaslicht.com.

Essent says she is pleased to have been able to keep the surge in check. “We are doing everything we can to maintain prices on energy bills for customers,” says Boudewijn den Herder, commercial director. “By buying smart, we are able to limit the increase in energy costs as much as possible for our customers at a variable rate.”

Nordstream Pipeline

The question is what many small energy companies will do. They have less fat in the bones than isnt and vatnval. There is a possibility that they will have to increase gas and electricity prices more sharply in order to eliminate the risks as much as possible. It is clear that gas prices will remain high for the time being. After dropping sharply earlier this month, prices have risen again in recent days.

An important damper was the news that the German regulator had not yet approved the new Nordstream 2 pipeline from Russia to Europe. As a result, Russia is not expected to increase gas supplies to Europe at the moment. as a result of Demand is still high and supply is small.

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