Coronavirus reproduction number for the first time above 1

Coronavirus reproduction number for the first time above 1

The clone number is now 1.21.

The RIVM reported 2,235 positive results of coronavirus tests between Thursday morning and Friday morning. The day before, there were 2,440 new cases. This is the highest level since April. Hospital numbers show little sign of the coronavirus returning.

two weeks ago

A reproduction number of 1.21 means that a group of 100 people infected with corona will infect an average of 121 other people. And they, in turn, infect 146 people and so on. The reproduction number can always be determined only after two weeks. So the value of 1.21 is based on the situation on May 26th. It is not yet known whether it has increased or decreased again.

The Netherlands is not the only country where the Corona numbers are once again viewed with suspicion. The number of infections in the UK also rose for the first time in two months.

This increase is likely related to the additional prevalence of newer omikron variants BA.4 and BA.5, which are likely to be more contagious. At the moment, those variables don’t seem to be any more disgusting.

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