Camera reviewers Niccolls and Drake move from DPReview to PetaPixel – Image & Sound – Geeks

Chris Nichols and Jordan Drake, a Canadian duo who spent five years posting camera video reviews on the DPReview YouTube channel, are moving to camera site PetaPixel. This has to do with the shutdown of

Chris Niccolls and Jordan Drake will debut their new videos on May PetaPixel YouTube channel. There is currently only one video: the one in which two camera enthusiasts announced their switch to PetaPixel.


in Another ad on PetaPixel There is talk of an almost seamless transition, though something is going to change. Their videos on DPReview were mostly just camera and lens reviews. This will also likely be the main part of PetaPixel, but they will also be creating other types of content, such as stories and documentaries.

The transition from photography enthusiast Chris Niccolls to Jordan Drake geared towards raising awareness of video is a direct result of the closing of An Amazon owner is pulling the plug on this large camera site; The site will be shut down from April 10th. The duo made such a switch about five years ago when they left The Camera Store for DPReview.

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