Burgundian Beilen 2023 dedicated to America: “a theme with many possibilities”

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After the successful Burgundian Beilen festival in August this year, the organization revealed the theme for next year: America during a volunteer evening for nearly 50 volunteers.

A pub quiz was organized for volunteers to thank them for their efforts during last year’s build and festival. During the quiz, the participants were served street food between rounds representing different states of the United States, so that the theme was evident throughout the evening.

Again next year

“Fortunately, most of the volunteers responded enthusiastically and indicated that they would like to participate again next year, so we are confident that we can organize another big festival next year. As a group, during the evaluation of the last festival, we almost unanimously chose the USA. It is the catering industry, entertainment and A theme that offers many possibilities for the decoration of the site,” says Allard Hingstmann, head of Bourgogne Bailon.

No tent

Next year the Burgundian Beilen weekend will take place on 25 and 26 August. What the festival will look like will be explored in more detail in the coming months. “One thing is certain: it will no longer be a tent. Like this year, we choose an open festival site that is accessible to everyone,” says Martin Swiers on behalf of the organization.

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