At this time, fourteen citizens together receive 4 tons of compensation. They or their parents or grandparents must have lived in Evanston between 1919 and 1969. They will each receive $ 25,000. This money comes from income from legal cannabis sales and mortgages, repayment of fees for a new home or remodeling. Thus Evanston is […]
Russian discount Mere wants to go to America
Controversial Russian discount chain Just Exploring expansion opportunities in the United States. A project manager should open stores in Georgia and Alabama. Cheaper than Aldi and Little Mere wants to extend the Russian discount to the United States. This is clear from the vacancy announced by the trade magazine Winside Grocery Business. The chain, which […]
Unilateral ban on US destroys families: ‘I have not seen my daughter in a year and a half’
Image AFP “Dear Mr. We have relatives we have not seen in the United States for a year and a half. We want to go there again. When will you make it possible? ‘ “Never asked for anything again,” says Marius van der Vegen. Seeing Joe Biden visit Europe in June, de Probent sent his […]
US inflation as expected – dollar fall
We have some observations. A few consistently support the story of inflation and a few do not. Let’s start with the points that support inflation: Eating out of the house was 0.8% more expensive in a month. Inflation is no longer driven by secondary cars. Homes rose 0.4% again. The price of new cars is […]
The west coast of the United States is suffering from a historic drought
In the valleys of Central California, the search for water has become a frenzy. Disappointed people saw the fertile fields turn into brown and dusty plains and the leaves of the trees and shrubs withered. Much of California and parts of the west coast of the United States have received less rain than usual in […]
Largest US infrastructure deal: $ 550 billion for development
The U.S. Senate has approved key infrastructure investments after months of negotiations. The $ 550 billion package (approximately 0 470 billion) aims to improve roads, railways, bridges and Internet connectivity. Together with the previously approved investments, the total is about $ 1000 billion. This is the first bill passed jointly by Democrats and Republicans since […]
The United States has called on citizens to suspend flights to Curaao
The United States considers Curacao to be the most dangerous area and is marked in dark red on level 4 on the map as the number of victims increases. Americans are strongly encouraged to travel to Curacao. That data The increase is from mid-July, when the island has not been infected for several months. […]
The United States will have some electricity by 2030
And many countries restrict the sale of cars with combustion engines, and many of those countries have set a deadline of 2030 or 2035. For example, think of Great Britain in 2030 and Canada in 2035. If the bill is voted on, the EU will follow suit in 2035. Zero emission cars In the United […]
EIB: EU companies invest more often due to climate than in the US
Of all European companies, 45 percent invested money in one way or another to reduce the effects of climate change, for example by reducing or offset CO2 emissions. In the United States, it accounts for less than a third of all companies. Northern and Western European companies are at the forefront. For example, 58 percent […]
There are still 5.7 million jobs in the United States
I concluded the stock market report last Friday with the question of whether the disappointing labor market number of baselip processors was the result of low economic growth or the low number of qualified employees. Economists were skeptical of job growth after the sharp disappointing end of the ATP figure, ahead of the official U.S. […]