AMD has confirmed to Tom’s Hardware that a bug in its Radeon Adrenalin software is causing certain Ryzen processor settings to change. For example, in some cases Precision Boost Overdrive (PBO) is enabled, causing the CPU to overclock without user permission.
According to Igor’s lab, the problem occurs when activating the gpu profile, including the standard variable. The reason is said to be due to the Ryzen Master module, which has been integrated into Radeon software since September of last year. This means that only systems with a red processor and graphics card are affected.
BIOS settings can be accessed via Ryzen Master.
In its statement, AMD stated that the cause of the error is currently being investigated and more information will be shared when possible. Waiting for repair Radeon Software Smarter 1.6.1 It is posted to remove the Ryzen Master portion of the driver. This is a dedicated tool not recommended by AMD, so use it at your own risk.
Tom’s devices† Igor lab
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