Actor Eddie Redmayne: ‘Playing a transgender person was a mistake’ | to watch

Actor Eddie Redmayne: ‘Playing a transgender person was a mistake’ |  to watch

from the movie danish girl Eddie Redmayne’s acting was well received in 2015, but there has also been criticism. The accusation was that a dealer should have been chosen for the role. Redmayne says now in Sunday times: , No, I won’t take the role anymore. I made this movie with good intentions, but I think it was a mistake.”

“The biggest debate about the frustrations surrounding the casting process is that a lot of people don’t have a seat at the table,” the actor said. “That must be corrected, otherwise we will continue with these discussions.”

The 39-year-old actor, who played the role immediately after winning an Oscar for his role as Stephen Hawking in theory of everything He changes his comments. He previously stated that “any actor should be able to play any role if he plays it with a sense of integrity and responsibility”.

A spokeswoman for Gendered Intelligence, an organization that tries to improve the lives of transgender people, is pleased with Redmayne’s recent comments. “We are increasingly hoping that stories about and for transgender people can be told by these same actors, with more diverse talents on screen and behind the camera.”

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