Former GPs want help with reinforcement, but have to wait weeks: “Come, hurry up” | the interior

Former GPs want help with reinforcement, but have to wait weeks: “Come, hurry up” |  the interior

Retired GPs Wim Schlickins and Ben Kroll are eager to help with their boosters, but they have to wait weeks before they can start the injections. They must first undergo on-site training and the first available place not earlier than 20 December. “Why is all this taking so long?” they ask amazed.

“Sign up if you want to help provide everyone who needs it with a booster dose as quickly as possible, GGD will look at what is possible,” Health Minister Hugo de Jonge said recently. The previous GPs didn’t have to think twice and decided to offer their help.

Ben Kroll, former GP and editor-in-chief of a trade magazine for many years medical contact, received an immediate answer from the employment agency Medi Interim. “The first contact with the recruitment agency went smoothly and the introductory online meeting went smoothly,” Crul says. I had to provide a few things to prove that I am actually a GP. But that is what happened, of course.”

Yes Yes. But before he starts poking people, that will come weeks later. For example, he must first take an online course and this course is not ready yet. Moreover, planning an appointment for an hour and a half training at an injection site is not easy.

,, The first available date for training is December 20 only. This can’t be true, can it? He responded surprised. “I have many years of experience in the field of injections. Such an interpretation can be done in fifteen minutes. Why should I wait for such training?! “

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Incomprehensible, believes his friend and former GP, Wim Schlickins. The former health supervisor and former Red Team member also volunteered to help with the reinforcement, but is awaiting a response to his last request. “This is a waste of time. The need is so great and for former GPs, injections are a piece of cake. If you say you want to speed things up, you also have to make sure you’ve arranged these kinds of things correctly,” Schilkins replies.

Regarding criticism of former GPs, the umbrella organization GGD GHOR Nederland says: “We are happy with all those doctors who report to GGDs for help. At the vaccination site, the doctor has ultimate medical responsibility. They are the mainstay of everyone who works there and all of the people who have been vaccinated there. During his shift, if something unexpected happens in the medical field. Safety comes first. So we naturally check if people have the right competencies. And that they go through the right preparatory program.”

Physicians, whether retired or non-retired, are posted to the vaccination sites as a medical supervisor or to the medical counter at the vaccination site and are usually not stinging. According to GGD GHOR Nederland, “The confusion may have something to do with this.”

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Because of the crowds, the injection sites in GGD Hollands Midden are closed this weekend for people who want to come in and get a booster dose without an appointment.

Because of the crowds, the injection sites in GGD Hollands Midden are closed this weekend for people who want to come in and get a booster dose without an appointment. © ANP


De Jong admitted at the Corona debate in the House of Representatives last week that the promotion campaign had begun very slowly, but he promised to speed it up. The intention is that before the end of this year, the majority of people over the age of 60 will receive a booster dose. Starting in January, everyone should be able to get the booster vaccination in the seventh month after a vaccination or infection.

GGDs must do everything in their power to achieve this goal. Soldiers, medical students, veterinarians, former nurses, and former doctors were asked for help. Thousands of requests were already received on that call this weekend. Among the applicants were schools, catering institutions, companies, dentists, and students.

Environmental Protection Agency

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