Six months of 4Gb internet? Register for the KPN SuperFiber 4 – IT Pro – .Plans test panel

Fast, fastest, fastest. When it comes to bandwidth, we seem to be increasingly demanding. It is not surprising, because photo, video and game files are becoming increasingly larger. In this regard, a fast and stable Internet connection is not an unnecessary luxury. Fiber-optic Internet is rapidly gaining popularity, and the speeds available over this network are becoming increasingly faster. What does this speed really mean to you in practice?

Tweakers Partners and KPN have joined forces and organized a testing panel around SuperFiber 4 and KPN Box 14. We are looking for three testers for this. Are you a heavy user and want to test out 4Gb fiber internet for a few weeks and use it for six months? Then sign up for the survey at the bottom of this article.

Fiber optic internet It has been available in the Netherlands for many years. In 2005, the first fiber optic cable was laid in North Brabant. In 2024, more than half of Dutch households will use this technology. Of course, speeds have increased dramatically over the past eighteen years.

In the (near) future: sporting events and live concerts

Bonn fibers: different variations

Different types of fiber networks are available in the Netherlands, depending on location, service provider and technology. An important distinction concerns the type of PON (Passive Optical Network), which determines how fiber optic cables are distributed between the exchange and end users. A PON consists of an OLT (Optical Line Terminal) in an exchange, which is connected via a splitter to several ONTs (Optical Network Terminal) in homes or businesses. A splitter distributes the optical signal across different receivers, without the need for active components such as amplifiers or switches. This generally makes PON cheaper and more energy efficient than an active grid. There are many PON variants that differ mainly in wavelength, bandwidth, and uniformity of the optical signal. The most common pon variants are:

• GPON (Gigabit Passive Optical Network). This is the most widely used PON variant in the Netherlands. It provides download speeds of up to 2.5 Gbit/s and upload speeds of up to 1.25 Gbit/s. GPON uses wavelengths of 1490 nm for downstream and 1310 nm for upstream. GPON is an asymmetric network, which means the download speed is higher than the upload speed.

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• XG-PON (10 Gigabit Passive Optical Network). This is an enhanced version of GPON and provides download speed of up to 10 Gbit/s and upload speed of up to 2.5 Gbit/s. XG-PON uses wavelengths of 1577nm downstream and 1270nm upstream. XG-PON is also an asymmetric network, but has a higher bandwidth than GPON. XG-PON is not used in the Netherlands.

• XGS-PON (10GbE Symmetric Passive Optical Network). This is the symmetrical variant of XG-PON and provides download speed and upload speed of up to 10 Gbit/s. XGS-PON uses the same wavelength as XG-PON, but with a different modulation. XGS-PON is a symmetric network, which means the download speed is equal to the upload speed. XGS-PON is used by KPN, Delta Fiber and others. KPN’s SuperFiber 4 network is an example of a symmetrical network with a promised download and upload speed of 4 Gbps.

• NG-PON2 (Next Generation Passive Optical Network 2). This is the most advanced PON variant; It provides download speed and upload speed of up to 40 Gbps. NG-PON2 uses multiple downstream and upstream wavelengths, which can be dynamically assigned to the ONTs. NG-PON2 is a symmetrical network with the highest capacity and flexibility. NG-PON2 is not yet used commercially in the Netherlands.

Marcel Bolhuis, Strategic Product Manager Access at KPN: “We are constantly looking at the market and technical developments. We also do a lot of market research and see that a large group responds favorably to more bandwidth and faster speeds. But above all, speed should not be A goal in itself; ultimately, we believe that issues such as latency, security, uptime, and Wi-Fi, which have to do with quality, are more important factors. We see an increasing demand for higher bandwidth for applications such as virtual reality, augmented reality, downloading and uploading large files, and video games . Duty: Modern Warfare 3 over 200 GB.

But a high-speed connection is also very useful for other applications, believes Bollhuis: “Many users currently consider 1 Gigabit sufficient. However, there are specific cases where higher speeds, such as 4 Gigabit, definitely provide added value. Consider, e.g. Example: Households with families or other roommates, where 1 Gbit/s per device is needed and, for example, four devices are on the network at the same time. This applies to “powerful” users, such as the gamers mentioned above, But it also applies to photographers and people who have a home server.For them, a 4Gb connection can make a difference, for example because it makes it possible to upload large files such as raw images.

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Bolhuis also expects a lot of VR and AR in the future, especially at sporting events: “For an optimal experience in VR and when watching live sporting events in a virtual stadium, you will soon need at least a 2 Gigabit connection. Experiencing all images smoothly without lag is not possible at lower speeds.

This is how you participate in the KPN SuperFiber 4 test panel

Are you a demanding internet user and want to experience what it’s like to have 4Gbps for downloading and uploading? Then register on the test board. It is important that you do the following:
a) You are a KPN customer
b) 4 Gbit/s is available at your address. You can check this using Check zip code.

Ultimately, we selected three community members and KPN customers who could test SuperFiber 4 for a number of weeks and use it for six months in total. We will also visit one of the three editors to make a video. Please note: Explain clearly in the comments below this article why these higher speeds can be put to good use. Why do you want multi-giga Internet and how will you test it? The best explanation gets points, which increases your chance of participating.

If you are one of the lucky ones, we will make sure of it in cooperation with KPN Superfiber 4 It comes true in your home. It goes like this:

Programmers who already have KPN Internet can use 4Gbit/s for free for six months for their current subscription price, so no additional costs for this upgrade. KPN runs the speed on the winners’ address, without changing their entry. After six months, the speed returns to original. Testers happy with 4Gbit/s can of course choose to upgrade their subscription permanently after these six months. Participating community members will also receive Box 14 and two SuperWifi points. They can keep this equipment after the probationary period.

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The KPN Box 14 (Arcadyan ERV67AX348B) has the following ports:

• 1x USB 2.0
• 1x USB 3.0
• 2x Ethernet (LAN) 1GbE
• 1x Ethernet (LAN) 2.5Gb
• 1x Ethernet (LAN) 10Gb
• 1x 10 Gigabit Ethernet (WAN) (connection port for fiber optic connection)
• 1x phone port

After a few weeks, we’ll visit the modder who wants to participate in the video at home to sign up.

KPN SuperFiber 4 test board

terms and conditions

  • Your Tweakers account must be active before January 22, 2024.
  • You can participate until January 26, 2024 at 11:59 PM, only via the survey.
  • Only logged in visitors can participate. You can participate in the survey once.
  • Only residents of the Netherlands who have a KPN fiber subscription can be selected for the test panel. 4 Gbps speed must be available at your home address.
  • Minors may participate only after obtaining prior permission from their parents or guardians
  • Winners will be notified via email by February 5, 2024. Non-winners will not receive a message.
  • Winners are chosen randomly. There will be no correspondence about the results.
  • Winners are willing and available to test the product within four weeks of receipt and submit a comprehensive review to Tweakers for publication.
  • Tweakers and KPN employees are excluded from participation.
  • Participants who do not meet the above conditions may be excluded from participation.
  • Complaints can be submitted via [email protected].

This article is not an editorial article, but was sponsored and produced thanks to KPN and Tweakers Partners. Tweakers Partners is the division within Tweakers responsible for business collaborations, competitions, and Tweakers events such as meetups, Developers Summit, Testfest, and more. View an overview of all promotions and events here. If you would like to share your thoughts with us about this type of advertising, we would love to hear from you. You can discuss this with us via [Discussie] Public announcement].

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