Appeal for the export of parts of F-35 aircraft to Israel • Code Orange for Storm Isha

Appeal for the export of parts of F-35 aircraft to Israel • Code Orange for Storm Isha
F-35 aircraft in Israel (archive photo)

Noos News

Good morning! An appeal filed by human rights organizations against the Dutch state over the export of fighter aircraft parts to Israel is still under consideration in The Hague. Due to Storm Isha, code orange applies in the northern Netherlands and the Wadden region.

First, the weather: The winds will be at their peak during the next few hours. There is a risk of strong winds exceeding 100 kilometers per hour, especially along the coast. In the morning, the wind strength decreases quickly and the maximum temperature is 12 degrees.

Are you going on the road? Here you will find an overview of the work. And here you see where it becomes a job On the road.

What can you expect today?

  • The court in The Hague is considering the appeal in the case brought by human rights organizations Oxfam Novib, the PAX Peace Movement Foundation and the Rights Forum Foundation against the Dutch state. The organizations are demanding that the license to export Dutch parts for Israeli F-35 fighter jets be withdrawn.
  • KNMI has issued a Code Orange for North Holland and the Wadden region due to Storm Isha. In the rest of the Netherlands, winds are less strong and code yellow applies. The Rijkswaterstaat warns that morning rush hour could be busier as a result. The airline KLM canceled dozens of flights. The wind intensity is expected to decrease during the morning.
  • Outgoing Prime Minister Rutte is scheduled to visit Bosnia and Herzegovina and Croatia today and tomorrow. He visits Srebrenica and visits Dutch forces in Sarajevo.
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What did you miss?

In the North Netherlands and the Wadden region, code orange has been in effect since 2am last night due to Storm Isha. The area witnessed strong winds reaching speeds of up to 110 kilometers per hour. The storm will calm down in the morning.

As far as is known, Isha caused minor damage. In the south of the country, where the yellow code applies, a tree fell on the track between Sittard and Maastricht. That’s why fewer trains run there. A tree also exploded in Bergen. In Delft, the roof panel of a residential building came off.

Storm Isha has already caused a lot of inconvenience abroad. For example, tens of thousands of people live without electricity in Ireland and Northern Ireland. Train traffic in Scotland also stopped from last night until the morning as a precaution.

Other news of the night

  • More young people are not using contraception: 1 in 5 young people are not using contraception. In 2017, this was still 1 in 10. This is clear from a study conducted by Rutgers and Soa Aids Nederland among 10,000 young people aged 13 to 25 years.
  • No longer a presidential candidate, DeSantis supports Trump: The Republican no longer sees any possibility of winning the race within his party and says it is clear that a majority of his fellow party members are giving Trump another term. He says he will support Trump.
  • Announcing the killing of missing commandos in Yemen: Two US commandos disappeared when a special forces team intercepted an arms shipment heading to the Houthis in Yemen. While they were getting into that boat, one of them fell into the sea, and the other jumped after him.
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Then this:

Storm Isha was already causing problems in other countries yesterday. Strong winds at Britain’s Heathrow Airport made it difficult for planes to land.

The video below shows several landings including enthusiastic comments from one viewer.

Planes in London are having difficulty landing due to Storm Isha

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