According to Gigabyte, AMD will introduce the new next-gen AM5 APUs at the end of January 2024. According to previous rumors, these are the Phoenix 2 APUs with a hybrid chipset design. Gigabyte also says it has released a beta BIOS for upcoming APUs.
The motherboard manufacturer released the beta version of the BIOS last week, which is based on AMD software and Confirm now It is suitable for the next generation of APUs AM5, which will be presented at the end of January. Gigabyte says it will release the stable version of Agesa bios at the end of November. ASUS and ASRock have also released a beta version of the bios based on Agesa
According to previous rumors, AMD is working on hybrid architecture desktop APUs with Zen 4 and Zen 4c cores. Zen 4c cores have a lower clock speed and can therefore perform simpler tasks more efficiently. AMD released its hybrid architecture laptop CPUs earlier this month. The Zen 4c cores here are smaller than regular Zen 4 cores and have lower clock speed limits. Moreover, the cores are identical. Intel has been using a hybrid architecture for some time, although there is a greater difference between performance and efficiency cores.
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