World of Warcraft Classic gets hardcore worlds with permanent death GamesRadar+

I don’t quite understand if I’m also permanently dead in a dungeon. It will be a bit of a shame, because it may also come to someone else due to a technical problem. The processor’s internet went out, unfortunately, it died 5x…

Of course he died dead. But in the case of a wizard DC, you won’t usually wipe out in Classic unless you take additional risks. Whereas hardcore players, especially while leveling, are often risk averse and will therefore apply more CC than normal, smaller drawdowns, etc.
On the stream you can often see that, for example, a tank or a healer dies, but the rest all survive as long as they keep a cool head.

You often only see 5 men’s wipes when they’re taking too many risks (eg, because they’re at a hardcore E-Sport event, so there’s money to be made with quick wipes) or when there’s a panic reaction when someone dies. And if you really have to, enough reset/safety points in most dungeons, or drop deck and kite + pray ;)

Anyway, the “hardcore-minded” gamers that this type of server targets, generally won’t mind, they know the stakes, they’ve played Hardcore modes in other games for years, and they only go backwards when things go wrong once.

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