Broadcasters will talk about amending the press code NPO | The media

Broadcasters will talk about amending the press code NPO |  The media

Racism coordinator Rabin Baldeusing called on the nonprofit on Friday to amend its press code. He is making this call in response to a recent report by NPO Ombudsman Margo Smit on Ongehoord Nederland. The Broadcasters Council will consider the application next week.

Grievances Secretary is over Earlier this week, it was not possible to test whether an element is an element based on the current code.

“The press law must include a concrete standard on discrimination and racism and a sanction for it,” says Baldeusing, the National Coordinator of Discrimination and Racism (NCDR). “This does not exist at the moment. So there is work to be done. Also in terms of developing expertise on the issue of discrimination and racism.”

In its report, Ombudsman Smit deals with hundreds of complaints received in response to an item Unheard of news in September. This item shows a collection of online videos of black people beating up white people without any context. than search for pointer It turned out that in none of the cases were there proven racist motives, as the broadcaster had claimed. Based on the press law, the Ombudsman was unable to test whether this item was racial.

The Ombudsman also asked whether the public broadcaster would ever wish to show such content. The NPO said in a response on Friday that the Press Code falls within the responsibility of broadcasters.

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