Even Tot Hier wins Golden Televizier ring: ‘Unexpected’

Even Tot Hier wins Golden Televizier ring: ‘Unexpected’

The Gouden Televizier-Ring Award, the best TV show award, was awarded to “Even Tot Hier” Thursday night at the Royal Theater Carré in Amsterdam. The program won over De Bevers and Het Jachtseason with 70% of the vote.

“What I didn’t expect was that if you were there you would win it right away.”

in just up here Jeroen Woe and Niels van der Laan approach the scenes with sharp and clear analyses. The satirical program keeps the competition at a lower rank in terms of viewership, and viewers are now rewarding this success with a Gouden Televizier-Ring.

just up here He couldn’t have won the Gouden Televizier-Ring without Paul de Leeuw. “We were taken off the stage,” Jiron Wu told the National Ports Agency shortly after winning the prestigious Audience Award. So he and Nils van der Laan also mentioned it specifically in their thank you note.

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“Paul watched a show for us and said, ‘I think it would be so nice to sing a song with me on TV.’ just up here. It gave us confidence that we could do it.”

The two then did the hit show with Joep van Deudekom and Rob Urgert for years The competition with the lion. “By him and his trust we became what we are.” after the end the test It will be created in 2018 just up here. “After the broadcast, Paul is still the first to use the app, always with compliments, and always so warm,” Niels says.

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Niels: “It’s still a bit unreal actually. The Televizier episode always felt like a prize that wasn’t ours or something like that. We’ve of course been making De Kwis for years and now years until Tot Hier, and we’ve never been in the last three anyway What I didn’t expect was that if you were there, you would win it right away.”

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Thus, the Beavers are no ordinary, but they have done everything in recent weeks to get The Ring, and the convoy of “Vote for Beavers” ads is gaining momentum. However, there is also a lot of criticism of RTL, because the reality show does not have high viewership numbers. Angela de Young herself calls her nomination “award bankruptcy,” and Talpa president Paul Romer finds it odd that De Bevers should be nominated for a TV award.

John and his wife Kis replied earlier Aran on tour for all criticism. “With ‘You Don’t Get That Laugh From My Face’, we really had to go around with the record companies. No radio station has played it, and the audience decides if it’s going to be a hit. You can do whatever you want, but the audience decides,” As Kiss says.

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