Almere Energy settles a case over huge catering bills

Almere Energy settles a case over huge catering bills

France Press agency

In cooperation with

Flevoland broadcast

NOS . News•

Holland Energy, a commercial energy company from Almere, reached a settlement with eight clients who thought their bill was too high. Restaurants from Vollenhof, Rotterdam and Utrecht, among others, took the company to court.

All eight restaurants have a contract with Holland Energy for gas and electricity. A restaurateur has noticed his deposit increased from 3,000 to 12,000 euros per month, according to reports Flevoland broadcast. “And I can’t pass these costs on to my customers,” the businessman said in court. “If I make my hair Bangang noodles 20 percent more expensive, I’ll drive my customers away.”

no other choice

Restaurants objected, but to no avail. The energy supplier offered them a choice between paying a price increase or switching to another energy company at no additional cost.

According to Holland Energie, there was no other choice. “These entrepreneurs want to hold on to the time before the Russians turned off the gas tap, and Holland Energy desperately wants that,” said the energy company’s lawyer. “But this is not possible. The purchase prices have exploded because of the war in Ukraine.”

According to the lawyer, 240 flat-rate energy customers must jointly pay the exorbitant costs. “This is the only way we shouldn’t give up on anyone.”

“Somewhere it will stop for us”

Previous negotiations had always failed, but a new attempt was made to find a solution together. It was so successful that the judge did not have to make a decision in the case.

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