Passengers book more airline tickets at airports other than Schiphol | right Now

Passengers book more airline tickets at airports other than Schiphol |  right Now

Dutch vacationers have recently booked more flights departing from airports other than Schiphol. to write ad Thursday is based on numbers from Travix, which also owns the booking sites CheapTickets and Vliegwinkel.

Eindhoven Airport saw a 45 percent increase in the number of bookings via Travix sites in the first 25 days of May compared to the first 25 days of April, she wrote. ad† At Rotterdam The Hague Airport, bookings increased 39 percent in the same period.

At Schiphol, the largest airport in the Netherlands, the number of reservations rose by 10 percent in the same period.

Schiphol also came in worse than other airports in searches where people did not immediately book a flight, the paper wrote. Although the summer holidays are approaching, air travel from Schiphol has never been more desirable than in April. Eindhoven and Rotterdam recorded increases of 13 and 28 per cent, respectively.

There was also more search for air tickets from Dusseldorf Airport in Germany.

Schiphol is facing big problems

Schiphol has been in the news several times in recent weeks due to the huge chaos at the airport. The airport suffers from a significant shortage of personnel. This, combined with a violent strike by baggage workers, created major problems during the May holiday. Passengers had to queue for hours and dozens of flights were cancelled.

The airport told on Wednesday that the crowds will likely continue Even after the summer holidays† During that period, travelers may have to deal with longer queues in Schiphol than usual. As a result, the wait at the airport may take longer.

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