Patrick Keiken: Top 40 returns at 538 on Friday for Quinn and Sander

Patrick Keiken: Top 40 returns at 538 on Friday for Quinn and Sander

[BLOG] Well, Boo Bo, the sublime word has finally appeared: Quinn and Sander will sleep. Not completely separate, eat together once a week on a Friday afternoon. Sander goes to Lantinga As we mentioned before Here at Radio Veronica, Quinn will be presenting the lunch show here on Radio 538 as previously reported. Now this raises a number of questions that I’d like to answer again, let’s go:

Since Coen and Sander will be programming the new 538 on Friday 4-7 pm, we naturally have trouble with the 538 Top 50 which is now programmed between 2 and 6 pm. You might be wondering if the hit list is still a thing from this time (mwoah), but the perfect solution for the lead up, 12-4pm is of course a Top 40 redemption. And it will happen: not only did master chess player Dave Minbow create the perfect solution for C&S, He is also planning to bring back the top 40 players. How can I be so sure? He and Eric de Zwart are good friends. De Zwart still has something to make up with John de Mol. Minneboo may be ‘inactive’ until October according to his former employer QMusic, and the lanes say it was settled long ago: The Top 40 returns in the Green/Purple Radio Factory† A boost to De Zwart, of course, co-founder of the station. And it’s fair: that the top 40 belongs to the station that emerged from Veronica: 538.

Two advantages: We’re getting rid of Domien Verschuuren which is actually too light to carry such a menu. 538 deals another blow to its biggest competitor, QMusic. Chart lover Mark Labrane through and through and now the 538 Top 50 deejay is looking forward to serving the National Friday afternoon event with erections for the rest of the week. win win. For example, the 538 also recovered the famous Alam disc, which of course does not belong to that red marketing machine. I know I’ve been giving a lot of credit to the 538 and its leadership in recent months, but these decisions now being made (by a millionaire to be Minneboo, in the background) are only praiseworthy. Incidentally, I think it would be great if a big name like Wessel van Diepen could perform in the Top 40 again in the 538.

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Then to the guy who is now “on vacation” and who recently delivered 12-14 hours at 538, whose days of daily programming seem to be numbered now that Dave is back at Bergweg in Hilversum. Nick van der Bruggen. This name appears in the afternoon from 4-19 pm at 3FM, Monday through Thursday. I say intentionally Monday through Thursday, because if I pick this guy, whether he’s in association with brilliant sidekick Alex Oosterveen or not, I’ll program something different on Friday for Coen and Sander. I’ve mentioned his name here before, because he’s a professional, but what about Eddie Kaur in that place? Just Monkey Cage Radio, which also shows Rising Day when he replaces Rod de Wilde on NPO Radio 2. You’ll have to program something special on Friday at 3FM to balance Coen and Sander.

Let’s think if you’ve now fully squeezed the sponge that sucked itself back in with the latest radio news over the past few weeks. Oh yeah, I almost forgot to mention who will now replace Quinn and Sander. We’ve learned that for a few weeks now, as reported here 16 days ago: Frank Dane will be doing an afternoon show at 538† Hope without Hannelore Zwitserlood. Let that girl Jo who’s now working with Quinn and Sander keep breaking the news, even though your newsreader must hear a long burp on the channel by now. But we can attribute it to Lantinga and Swijnenberg. Curious if the Stenders also saw this regular Lantinga bullshit on Veronica? It could be a little less.

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Patrick Cake

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