Will cheese market volunteers soon star in the United States? Folk tales from the American television series The Bachelorette

Will cheese market volunteers soon star in the United States?  Folk tales from the American television series The Bachelorette
Shooting of The Bachelorette at the Cheese Market.  All Americans wore masks.

Shooting of The Bachelorette at the Cheese Market. All Americans wore masks. Photo by René Uitentuis

Hans Sweerstraw


This week, the cheese market in Edom was the setting for the recordings of the American television series The Bachelorette.

Jan Nieuwenhuizenplein in Edom, popularly known as the Cheese Market, was the setting for this week’s shooting of the American television series The Bachelorette. In this show which attracts about 25 million viewers per episode, men compete in various competitions for the support of a woman. Filming usually takes place in the United States, but this time the producers wanted to produce some European episodes. In addition to Edam, filming will also take place in Amsterdam and Myterslot. It was amazing to see all the American TV people shut their mouths.

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Adam Cheese Market volunteers will soon become 'Terrain' in the United States.

Adam Cheese Market volunteers will soon become ‘Terrain’ in the United States. Photo by Gerro de Boer

Guild members of the cheese market will soon gain fame on the other side of the ocean because they are on the records. Pictures show cheese carriers, cheese merchants and farmers usually walking around the ‘real’ cheese markets in the summer. Marketing Director Martin Nipering plays a key role. He commented on everything in English.

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Marketing Director Martin Nippering commented on everything in English.

Marketing Director Martin Nippering commented on everything in English. Photo by Gerro de Boer

For volunteers, the cheese markets are an immediate good warm-up, which could finally take place again in July and August after a two-year corona interruption. Earlier this month, artists from the Adam Cheese Market took action on the old Dutch weekend in Kyugenhof. They have been photographed by numerous visitors from home and abroad.

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read more: ‘A little applause, it suits me’; Phoebe de Hon enjoys the cheese market in Edom

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