Press conference on the MeToo case “harming Kaj”

Press conference on the MeToo case “harming Kaj”

Funes, what happened during the press conference?

“After six days with no explanation, this was a agonizing press conference. There were apologies and regrets, but also bewildering answers. Kaag didn’t remember any previous text messages with the victim, she didn’t call the victim and there won’t be a new investigation. And why this explanation took so long No one could explain it.”

How much damage did the CAG do?

“This is very detrimental to Sigrid Kag. In the polls, trust in her has plummeted. Kag has always prided herself on ethical leadership, on new leadership. She built her entire campaign around that. Which is exactly why her ‘wait and see’ attitude in recent years and the silence this week has been devastating. Extremely, it also remains painful to the party: The D66 demanded a MeToo investigation into politics in 2018, Kaag and other D66 politicians vigorously advocate for women’s rights and the interests of victims.”

Does anyone have to leave?

“It could have been possible, but it has not yet happened. If the party board of directors failed in this way in recent years, it was also an option, for example, if the president were to take over. The board chair or the entire board resigned.”

What now?

“At the D66 summit, they hope that the atmosphere of crisis in the party will now subside, but a meeting of members will follow. More than 750 members, including active members, have now signed an online petition. It is doubtful whether the explanation is insufficient in some The party leadership will also reassure its members. In addition, the question remains how the party has dealt with other reports and whether they have been adequately and thoroughly investigated.”

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