343 Industries is dropping scenes from future seasonal updates for Halo Infinite GamesRadar+

Developer 343 Industries will no longer make narrative cinematics for future seasons of Halo Infinite. The company’s employees will focus more on “required features, content and improvements” for the game.

Brian Garrard, Corporate Community Manager, Tell us on Twitter that changes have been made internally so that other parts of the further development of Halo Infinite are now more prioritized. Garrard says this compromise is the result of tough decisions. He is likely referring to an alleged round of layoffs in which nearly a hundred studio employees were said to have been fired. Several veterans and some VIPs also left the company after the game launched at the end of 2021.

From Halo Infinite Season 4, no more narrative cutscenes will be added to the game. So far, 343 Industries has sporadically released major content updates, including several CGI cutscenes that flesh out story elements.

Halo Infinite Season 4 is available as of this writing. Like every season, a paid battle pass is available that, unlike many other games, does not expire after the season ends. Players can unlock cosmetic items through the Battle Pass. On top of that, Infection mode returns, there’s a revamped weapon visual system, and 343 Industries is releasing a comprehensive progression system called Career Rank. This rating represents the player’s progress in all game modes.

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