1 in 4 households in the United States does not have internet at home

1 in 4 households in the United States does not have internet at home

While it has become important to work from home and stay home during the lockdown during the Corona era, such an internet connection is not enough to keep in touch with co-workers or order items online.

This means that, among other things, job opportunities for these individuals are drastically reduced, but their chances of pursuing an education are very low.

Curved distributions

Good internet connections are distributed very evenly in different states. Internet connections are best in California, Colorado and Utah, with 84.8%, 84.7 and 83.7% of households, respectively, connected to the Internet. For comparison: step CBS’s latest stats Since 2019, 97% of households have access to the Internet.

But even in these U.S. states with relatively good coverage, poorer communities have rural areas where coverage does not go as high as 11% to 15%.

Significantly, of the three states with the worst coverage, the average coverage in the suburbs of Mississippi (60.1%), Alabama (64.5%) and Arkansas (68.1%) is better, ranging from 18.5% to 22.5%.

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