Yvonne Coldweger Under Fire: Dresses From Her Online Store Also Available On AliExpress | Displays

Yvonne Coldweger Under Fire: Dresses From Her Online Store Also Available On AliExpress |  Displays

Yesterday, Yvonne Coldviger, 35, proudly announced her own online store, but her “her” dresses were soon seen on AliExpress. RTL Boulevard The news made Friday morning. Coldfire itself denies that it purchased the clothes directly from the site, which is full of items offered on the cheap.

Several photos of clothes from her new collection have been posted on Instagram, which are replicas of the clothes offered by AliExpress. It appears that Coldeweiger has removed the dresses from her online store again, but the Instagram account @gotcha_aliexpress still contains the photos.

This is not the first time that a well-known influencer has lost credibility by reselling AliExpress products at a much higher price. In 2021, the Instagram account @realityfbi revealed that Yvonne’s jewelry all came from AliExpress. Caldwyer denied this and continued to insist that she really designs her jewelry herself and that the price difference is due to the choice of materials.

Caldwyer has since responded to Instagram Stories. I started an online clothing store. This means that I buy products from wholesalers and then sell them again. All stores do this. If the dress was also available in another web store, or it also ended up on AliExpress, it has nothing to do with me. I didn’t buy it there, but only from the wholesaler.”

Yvonne Coldoyer shows her dress.

Yvonne Coldoyer shows her dress. © Instagramgotcha_aliexpress

Yvonne Coldeweiger dress is also available on AliExpress.

Yvonne Coldeweiger dress is also available on AliExpress. © Instagramgotcha_aliexpress

Yvonne Coldoyer shows her dress.

Yvonne Coldoyer shows her dress. © Instagramgotcha_aliexpress

Yvonne Coldeweiger dress is also available on AliExpress.

Yvonne Coldeweiger dress is also available on AliExpress. © Instagramgotcha_aliexpress

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