You need to get rid of this habit quickly if you want a date on Tinder –

You need to get rid of this habit quickly if you want a date on Tinder -

The choice is huge on Tinder, so what would you choose when you’re looking for a date? Not just on long blonde locks or pretty face. Young people find it at least important that you spell well.

Two-thirds of girls and half of boys consider misspellings to be a huge turn off, according to research by NRC and D-Standard. They examined the language skills of Belgian and Dutch youth between the ages of 18 and 29. Oddly enough, a lot of young people spell badly. They admit themselves.

But when it comes to dating, they are very strict with the other person. Older guys in particular find misspellings unattractive on their dating profile. Girls think it is worse than boys. Not surprisingly, since girls make fewer spelling mistakes than boys, but not because they can spell better.

“Girls are ‘more sensitive’ to the spelling rule,” says sociolinguist Reinhild Vandekerkoff of the University of Antwerp at De Standaard. “They are more sensitive to the potential stigma associated with misspellings.”

So read the dating profile again if you want to find a good match.

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