Why did E3 die and what’s next?

Why did E3 die and what’s next?

The news is already a few days old: E3 has been canceled for 2023. The plan was that we could finally enjoy the biggest game show in the world from June 13th to 16th. ReedPop, the organizer of PAX, was introduced with great fanfare as the party that could refloat this ship. After all, their track record was impeccable and they were sure they could “revive” the stock market. not like that. Very few publishers bothered to fill the halls of the Los Angeles Convention Center. What exactly went wrong in the preliminary phase? And what will happen now? You’ll get the answer in this video on how to cancel E3 2023.

E3 is dead, long live E3?

JJ has been delving into this matter in recent days. What does it look like? There’s a difference of opinion as to why publishers won’t want to come to E3 this year. The organization itself spoke of economic hardship and a lack of playable demos. On the other hand, publishers told a different story. According to them, the high price of the stand definitely played a role. But there was also the significance of the exhibition. The emergence of digital presentations, which are increasingly being used to announce and promote new games, is proceeding rapidly. This reduced the need to be physically present at a trade show such as E3. How did the E3 organizers react to these developments?

What will publishers do now in June?

Finally, does JJ take a look at what happens next with all the announcements and reveals we’ve usually seen at E3? After all, publishers still want interest in their games. And June is the perfect month to start a marketing journey for a game that will be released in the fall or early next year. How will they deal with this? We have the answer. Hint: Just tune in to Gamekings next June.

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