A safe way to experience disaster
“Horror movies are like a roller coaster,” says Chris W. Mitchell, who watches movies like: Swimming pool And the revelation made. “You might feel like you’re about to die, but at the same time you know you’re safe. A good horror movie feels the same. You look at someone else and you know it won’t happen to you.”
Mitchell calls it classic horror the thing – About a group of researchers dealing with an alien parasite – as one of his best horror experiences. “I was eighteen when I came out. The moment that dog turns; I’ve never seen anything like it before. Nowadays I’m getting more and more disappointed. But I’m still trying, haha.”
“Many American horror films follow a fixed formula,” explains Mitchell. “Then it gets quieter gradually, so that after that you are startled by a very loud noise. For a filmmaker, that’s very easy. I find ‘jump scares’ annoying. Sometimes you use it to teach people but it quickly becomes a cheap trick.”
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A good kick because of stress hormones
However, moviegoers still enjoy it. horror movies a smile And the The end of Halloween They are currently painting entire halls, for example. This can be explained in part by our biology. When you’re under stress, you release hormones like adrenaline, which can give viewers a nice boost. Dopamine gives the feeling of satisfaction after a trauma. Some people will stick to this substance better than others. Search Dopamine is shown to be less inhibited in thrill seekers, such as horror fanatics.
For others, it is very annoying to be afraid. “You can definitely have fears of horror movies,” says Tara Donker, a health psychologist and health psychologist at VU University Amsterdam. “Especially with young children, you have to be really careful. You can develop a specific fear when seeing horrific events. People can develop clown phobia from He. SheOr the fear of spiders after seeing them? Arachnophobia.“
Donker developed the app xerophobia To counter this phobia. Via augmented reality, for example, a virtual spider will walk on your hand, so that you experience your fear in a controlled manner. “It will work the same way with horror,” says the researcher. “Just watch a movie a second time, it’s a lot less scary. If you’re afraid of horror, you can also watch little bits. Until you don’t feel any fear anymore. As long as the show is gradual.”
Why do you have to be a little sick in your head to create the horror? I am the healthiest man I know.
Movies as a form of self-treatment
Horror writer Stephen King explained in 1981 why he loves to watch the deadliest and most disturbing horror movies. “It’s like opening a hole in the civilized part of your head to throw a basket full of raw meat for the hungry crocodile swimming there. Why? To make sure those creatures don’t show up.”
“I understand what he means,” Mitchell replies with a laugh. “People might think you have to be a little sick in your head to make a fright. But I’m the best guy I know. All the horror makers I know are really cool people. They’ve found a way to make those alligators.” The characters you should pay attention to are the ones who normally act.”
Mitchell builds his scary stories on his own ideas and experiences. “Something is keeping me busy, or I’m afraid of something. I write that as a kind of exorcism. I use horror and black comedy as tools. In the meantime, I know there will be more people with the same fears as me. Hopefully they will have them.” related to that.”
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HalloweenAngstFilms & SeriesMedia en Cultuur
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