VVD faction approves new asylum law after promises from party leader Mark Rutte Instagram

VVD faction approves new asylum law after promises from party leader Mark Rutte Instagram

ModernizationThe parliamentary VVD party will agree to a law forcing municipalities to take in asylum seekers. Thus, a possible governmental crisis has been averted for the time being.

Hanneke Keultjes, Hans van Sost

Last updated:

After months of resistance, the group still agreed after party leader Mark Root promised MPs he would do more in Cabinet to curb the influx of asylum seekers. According to party chair Sophie Hermanns, it was a “difficult conversation”.

After the conversation, Rutte said he shares his group’s concerns. “These numbers are very high. I will work on it. I am sure as the political leader of the VVD that we cannot continue in this way with such a large influx of refugees.”

was rota sum up To attend the meeting, which is rare. If the Asylum Act is not passed, it could easily lead to a ministerial crisis. According to Hermanns, the Rota faction “barely realized what he, as the leader of our party, would do about the great influx”. “His answers gave us enough confidence that he would work on it for us.”


Debate over the so-called dispersal of asylum seekers law has been going on for months. Last weekend, there was an agreement in principle between the leaders of the coalition party group VVD, D66, CDA and ChristenUnie with Foreign Minister Eric van der Burg (Asiel, VVD). But this was initially rejected by the VVD faction. Free MPs demanded that the law be accompanied by agreements that would limit the influx of asylum seekers.

Prime Minister Mark Root. © ANP

Rutte has now promised that he will make an argument for this in the Cabinet. Hermans added that “her patience is endless.” Last week, new forecasts were leaked about the number of asylum seekers entering our country this year and next. With around 48,000 in 2022 and more than 50,000 in 2023, these numbers are much higher than previously thought.

Before the group meeting, a ministerial crisis threatened. The new law should ensure that the same municipalities do not always have to pay reception costs and that the application center at Ter Apel is relieved of the burden. Behind the scenes, D66 and ChristenUnie demanded that VVD support this mod. That this is happening now makes them happy. They are also waiting for the VVD to make agreements about a lower influx of asylum seekers. “I know what’s on the VVD election programme,” says D66 leader Jan Paternot. “But I won’t talk about it now.”

Watch the coalition’s reactions here (text continues below the video):

According to Rutte, “there is no question of a crisis”: ..what the other parties in the coalition expect. I’m here as the leader of the VVD. We are now in the process of working step by step to reduce the asylum numbers.”


It remains to be seen if agreements can be reached within the Cabinet on the reduced influx of asylum seekers. The CDA has also repeatedly described current immigration figures as “unsustainable.” But D66 and ChristenUnie think very differently about this. ‘Everyone can bring up topics’, CU leader Gert Jan Segers reacts economically. But it is difficult what to do about this influx, because we are bound by international treaties.”

The VVD is keen to quickly reach agreements on limiting immigration. A caucus will be held soon and a large part of the members of the VVD, after twelve years of government responsibility, will demand that they finally fulfill their electoral promise to limit the number of people who come here. VVD members have already announced critical proposals regarding this law. During a party conference before the summer, it was already clear that members find the current party leadership too weak. So he demanded a The majority of That nitrogen policy weakened.

The discontent among the members is not over yet. A number of critical VVD members announced via social media that the party congress on November 19 would be difficult. “It is incomprehensible that the VVD faction went through the pump again after a conversation with Rutte,” Ten Heldens of VVD Peel en Maas answers. VVD conference will be strong. It would have been better if the new chief had prepared.”


Ruti has now promised his group to do more to stem the flow of migrants. “We will look into this influx in the coming weeks and months, not necessarily Friday in the cabinet,” he added.

It is already being discussed in the Cabinet. In the coalition agreement, VVD, D66, CDA and ChristenUnie agreed that “there should be more control over immigration”. A group of ministers has already philosophized twice about how to come to an agreement out of a coalition agreement. They are also studying the question of how many immigrants the Netherlands can handle. This has not yet resulted in anything concrete, according to those concerned.

There is also State Committee To advise on “the challenges posed by the projected aging of the population and migration over the next 30 years”. That committee will issue a report by the end of next year at the earliest.

Prime Minister Mark Rutte arrives at the group meeting.

Prime Minister Mark Rutte arrives at the group meeting. © ANP

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