Volkskrant: OMT chief Van Dessel also used the private address

Volkskrant: OMT chief Van Dessel also used the private address

Like former Minister De Jonge of VWS, OMT President Jaap van Dissel regularly used his private address to communicate about Corona policy. Use your Gmail address to email ministers, OMT members, and their colleagues in the RIVM. who – which De Volkskrant reports Based on our own research.

Using private e-mail has sometimes been easier, Van Dessel told de Volkskrant via a RIVM spokesperson. “Due to the large amounts of emails he received, this made his job easier.” According to a RIVM spokesperson, it can often take “so long to log in”, that RIVM systems are not “always usable”.

RIVM says Van Dissel never used his private email to send confidential documents. At the same time, some attachments in Van Dissel’s emails to WOB requests have been classified as too confidential to be issued, according to de Volkskrant.

Unfriendly user

Van Dessel’s statement using a title is reminiscent of a statement by Hugo de Jong, who is now the Minister of Housing. Two weeks ago, he had to account for hours in the House, including using his own email.

The use of private email is not prohibited, but ministers and officials are strongly discouraged due to the security risks and potential for circumvention of WOB requests. As an explanation, De Jonge mentioned that using his work email It was unfriendly to use Because he often had to change passwords.

distance Discussion with De Jonge Van Dissel has stopped using his private email, RIVM says. It is “unlikely” that the emails Van Diesel sent from his Gmail account would not fall under the WOB, because “in principle” there were always other RIVM addresses in a copy.

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