Viewers see the Gillies’ winter vacation in soup

Viewers see the Gillies’ winter vacation in soup

Nicole seems to have prepared in advance: she bought Peter’s snow boots for 180 euros each, so that he could walk across the ice more easily. “So don’t fall,” she argues. “If you walk up a hollow hill and fall into it, we won’t be able to get you out.”

When the two of them arrive in Winterberg, it appears that the expensive snowshoes have been bought for nothing. There is no snow. And as Nicole was hoping for a “romantic” vacation, it turns out Peter had other plans. As soon as they enter the room and come across a bed full of rose petals, he decisively turns the covers over and throws their petals on the floor, much to the delight of the viewers.

Anyway, it turns out Peter was more focused on his work than on his vacation. Everything in the hotel is carefully checked and photos are taken of the things he loves, so he can grab them at his holiday parks. Flight prices are also carefully vetted and there are a lot of complaints from Peter. For example, when they buy tickets with the whole family to have a “beautiful view” of Winterberg from the bridge, but then cannot see anything because of the fog, Peter and Nicol cannot resist asking for a discount.

On Twitter, people aren’t talking about the family’s holiday behavior.

How you get used to it: There’s always something to laugh about at Massa and it’s Kassa. Like that time when Son Rod fell into the pond.

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